How Do Recruiters Find Top Talent?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

A recruiting agency helps companies mine top talent in the complicated world of hiring employees. Recruiters use technology, social media and business relationships to find the perfect person for the job. Despite huge advances in technology, many recruiters still try to nurture relationships with potential hires before giving the go-ahead to bring someone on board.

A recruiting agency uses many tricks to lure the best people to a company. An increasingly competitive job market, thanks to the recovery from the economic downturn started in 2007, has led to better job prospects for top talent going into 2016. A survey from Recruiter Nation, released by Jobvite, indicates how recruiters get the job done in a dynamic, ever-changing labor market.

More than one-quarter of companies surveyed believe they could hire 100 or more people this year. That means a busy year for any recruiting agency. Nearly 50 percent of companies in some high-growth industries such as telecommunications, health care and hospitality, expect to hire 100 or more people as of 2016.

A recruiting agency uses diverse tools to connect with the best hires, and workers should latch on to these tools of the trade. A sizable 72 percent of companies use data analytics somewhere in the hiring process. Meanwhile, 19 percent use mobile career websites. As many as 37 percent of companies use mobile sites to give their recruiting a boost, and 24 percent of recruiters intend to replace some jobs with technology by 2017 or 2018.

Social media remains a boon to every recruiter no matter how big or small. Only 4 percent of recruiters do not use social media in their line of work. Of the 92 percent who do use social media, up to 87 percent peruse LinkedIn to find potential employees. Meanwhile, 55 percent use Facebook and 47 percent use Twitter. Perhaps surprisingly, 21 percent find talent on YouTube.

Workers can capture the attention of a recruiting agency in several ways. Leave weaknesses off the cover letter since those usually enter the discussion as a job interview question. Potential workers should focus on specific things they can do for a company as opposed to how talented they are on paper. An applicant can use testimonials from past evaluations as verbiage on cover letters and resumes.

Workers should also share experiences about volunteer efforts and social engagement work. Potential hires may engage with current events within the industry since that shows a candidate keeps abreast of new developments to gain a competitive edge over other companies. Everyone should double-check for spelling and grammar in every document submitted to a recruiter.

Every recruiting agency stands to benefit from the hiring boom. Firms that stay on the forefront of hiring trends should remain successful and profitable, while those that do not pay attention fall by the wayside. Potential hires should take notice of trends and take advantage of them as well.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks @Michael. That is great information

  • Michael T.
    Michael T.

    I don't know the percentage of recruiters using Google+, but some of the best and best paying freelance commissions I've received for illustrations and artistic cartography has been directly attributed to my G+ page - many art directors find my portfolio work there first - ahead of FaceBook, and DeviantArt, tripling the amount of freelance work for 2 years.

  • margarita k.
    margarita k.


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